
- You know Uranus, having done those exercises of yours, I have got a lot of insights. The most important of them is that during my entire life I have carried inside me the lifelong illusion that emotions are nothing, I said.

Uranus turned to me a little, and the enormous loving energy of him was radiating through Anja's face.

- Spiritual growth is going into oneself, and the most essential thing in man's life is emotions, Uranus began. - Going into oneself is experiencing emotions, acknowledging them and taking responsibility for them, for if man loses his mental balance, it happens through emotions. In the exercises which I make you do, emotions are paid attention to, for emotions have a much bigger power in man than he can never realize. Emotions can take away his mental balance in a flash and bring the feeling of rage instead of tranquility. In this way emotions are very important. Many illnesses have begun from denied emotional states when in time, they appear through man's body. All emotions have a connection to man's body, for in man, everything is connected with one another. Man's body is like a computer terminal which tells his inner state. All the rest of the reality moves within, and everything affects everything. Emotions create thoughts and thoughts create emotions in a seamless co-operation which, in its part, has an effect on the body. Only by knowing oneself, one can find balance and get in peace with oneself. It is more than merely looking at the mirror and noticing: "I have two legs, two arms, one head and something there in between". It is so much else; it is that I learn to know my emotions and I know what they are. I can only control what I know, and when I know, I do not need control anymore but I can collaborate with it for my own benefit.

Control is always prohibitions, definitions and sanctions; how much in your world people try to control emotions and be good! If a negative emotion awakes, people get scared, feel that they are bad, deny the state and try to make the state go away by controlling. However, balance is then ostensible, for when the next impulse comes, it is gone again. Because of this, there are lot of people in your world who are like marionettes, for in reality, they are controlled by the environment even though they think they control themselves. All their time goes to maintaining the ostensible balance and controlling and denying states which are produced by impulses from the outside. Then man is certainly not in control of himself and is not living his own life which is to a great extent determined by outside impulses. Then man is not well for he is not happy or free. Everything in life may be well but underneath everything, there is an unexplained longing and dissatisfaction.

There are no forbidden emotions, no good or bed emotions and no positive or negative emotions but only various emotions that are functioning in us. Every emotion can act constructively or destructively, for everything only depends on what my own state is and what my aspiration is with respect to myself. If I am afraid of myself, I am afraid of my emotions, for a person who is not accustomed to his own emotions is afraid of them. As a child, he has not learned emotions from his parents for he has not seen his parents' emotions and has not lived his emotions with his parents. He has not learned that emotions are a perfectly normal thing.

In your culture, efficiency is valued highly; efficiency is performing and living in the intellect. Confronting, for its part, is facing emotions, and the intellect is not often needed in it; it is something that cannot be performed and thus be done on the level of the intellect. Confronting is often just being and surrendering to the state, receiving and accepting emotions. People are afraid of a state where one cannot do anything and where one can only be; they experience very strongly a feeling of inadequacy in a state where only the moment lives the way it is. People can only face themselves on the level of doing, when life becomes a performance. They then try to control themselves which is very destructive. Then every emotion is functioning through a filter and is taking this forward, multiplying.

I want to say this to you: there are no emotions which you should deny or be afraid of, for there are only various emotions which serve, and their controller is inside us. Our relationship with ourselves, whether it is constructive or destructive, turns to serve this state. Emotions are only emotions; the way they are used makes them either constructive or destructive. When I dare to feel my emotions, no matter what they are, they do not control me anymore. They are then my best friends, and no state from the outside can shake the existence anymore. Then one can talk about true balance, peace, freedom and happiness. Whenever you are experiencing a strong outburst of emotions, you know that the law of energy has simply been working. The thing that irritated me strongly found an equivalent in me and made it come alive. That denied, controlled and hidden emotion only rose to the surface and is an emotional state rising from me. Only I do not understand it because it has been denied. I myself have cut off the connection to my daytime consciousness and I cannot recognize it but the emotion I have denied just keeps rising.

If my aspiration is love, balance and growth, this aspiration guides me, and I can be aware of all the emotions and thoughts inside me and accept them. This aspiration connects me to the loving energy field, and my emotions will not harm me or anyone else through me. Then I do not have to strive for good or bad, for I already have realized and directed my aspiration inside me, and it is living in me. In everyday life, all I have to strive anymore is to be and realize myself and above all, realize that there are different emotions in me: those which are called negative as well as those which are called positive. But I also have to realize that in reality this kind of division only exist in the culture and language of man, for every emotion and thought has an equal right to rise from inside of me to my consciousness. I can accept them as they are and love them, for they are one necessary and important part of me. Each of them only fulfills its own place and in its own way tries to help me in my aspiration to love, balance and myself. I do not have to guard, be afraid or try to change my emotions.

Life without emotions would be very dull and grey because it would lack all beauty and sensitivity. Emotions are like a sensitive barometer which tells your direction all the time; through emotions, man can realize when he has wronged himself. Do not deny your emotions and do not treat them controlling them violently, for control is always violence. Do not swallow your emotions but sense the pleasant warmth that fills you when you let your emotions flow freely.

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