
- I wish you would think like this: why couldn't I give myself a permission to be wimpy and a coward, for, at times, it is very necessary and healthy. Why do I deny myself from myself, for in weakness lives strength and in strength lives weakness. They are the same state, for if I deny the other, I deny the other as well and I cannot find either of them. I cannot feel strength if I deny weakness because strength is the other side of weakness. It is like going into a store and trying to saw a coin into halves on the counter in order to pay. The cashier would not accept it, he would want the whole coin.

Your world is a world of power, and everyone wants to be accepted and a ruler, but this thought pattern does not accept weakness because weakness means being rejected. This is an illusion that has settled in you, for if you look at your society, the world of power, how is power doing there? Power destroys itself there time after time; in itself, power and force are like a pot of clay resting on canes, eventually collapsing. Wimpiness and cowardice are just words created by attitudes in which there is the distinction good/bad, when it is not real; it is just like saying, day: good, night: bad. Can you say like this? It will lead to destruction, for then you want to remove bad. If you do this to yourselves, you are already your worst enemy, and if you start defining, day: good, night: bad, you are an enemy of life. If you could destroy night, you would destroy yourselves and the entire life. Wimpiness is just one name for weakness and fear because man is afraid of his own wimpiness and weakness. He tries to deny and reject it and wants to be strong. He builds a role of strength, feels unwell and is extremely scared all the time, he is in your language a super wimp. It is only about the fact that he cannot find power and courage because he has denied his fear and weakness. He has created roles for himself but there is no power in roles for they are like balloons or bubbles that will burst.They do not come from inside because a role is a state learned from the outside and created from outside elements.

No matter how many roles and cardboard images I build around myself, they do not give me power and they will not change the situation at all. Eventually, I end up living in what I have been trying to ward off: in weakness and fear. In this way the super wimp becomes in the end a completely paralyzed individual who spends the rest of his life in a cell, not daring to come out. Fear grows its power all the time because every attempt to ward off wimpiness or fear increases and reinforces wimpiness, weakness and fear. I am only a failure, for I am trying to build a stronger role and a stronger cardboard image all the time, but I fail all the time and realize that I am wimpier and wimpier. It is like a self-perpetuating circle, when you loose faith, and weakness and fear increase. It is like removing the day, when finally there is only night.

Then man is like a marionette whose own will disappears. He is full of anxiety; many burn-outs are born this way because it is like a treadmill that never stops. In a way man is like a donkey chasing a carrot on a stick which is attached on its back. He is running and running but will never reach the carrot. The carrot is the achievement that the person is demanding of himself in order to feel that he is good, but in the end, it will lead to an inability to function in any way and to a total falling apart. Instead of getting to the top of power, he finds that he is full of fears, completely fallen apart and burnt out in a tiny cell, not daring to come out anymore. If he stopped to think, he might notice: "But I am good!" when it's a paradox. No one else is demanding of the person something he is not capable of; only the person self demands it of himself for he has created a pattern which is endless running that will never stop. In weakness lives sensitivity and creativity and in strength lives the ability to realize and organize it all. If I deny the source of creativity, how can I act? Then it is like walking on one leg while denying the other.

Strength in itself is only the ability to implement but if I deny the source of creativity of which everything is born, what shall I implement then? Problems arise this way, for example at work place because every situation is new and unique but I have denied in myself the source that sees, understands and gives ideas. All I have is strength which in itself leads to anxiety and panic, for I do not know what to do with it. In weakness lives sensitivity, the ability to understand and see creativity, for in weakness there is a life protecting energy. When I deny weakness in me, I also deny creativity, sensitivity and the ability to understand. How can I then act when I am facing a problem? I cannot! Each problem is then a hard knot, for I have denied the way to open it. Strength alone can only open the knot by tearing, when there is only destruction instead of well-being and growth which I have been anticipating. Only problems, more problems. In fear lives courage and in weakness strength, for there is no other without the other. There can be no fear without courage and no courage without fear, for if I nullify the other, I nullify the other as well. Then I create illusions, roles and cardboard images and get more and more lost in this world of illusions and cardboard images.

So ask yourselves why you cannot be weak and think about this question! Do I really want to face life and myself, or do I want to be in a jungle of cardboard images, illusions and delusions? If I get irritated when I see weakness, it tells me that I cannot accept it in myself, for if I accept weakness in me, it does not irritate me. I am only seeing my mirror-image, and if I do not accept myself, I cannot accept my mirror-image either.

If you think about a lion, the king of animals: lion lives and faces the world as real because strength needs rest. So, weakness is also rest, for weakness tells when there is a reason to be and rest, so that strength can be preserved. In lion everything is in balance; it rests and that way regains its strength and it avoids unnecessary danger because fear protects it. In this way fear reinforces and maintains the strength in lion, that entity which is lion. In lion, weakness and strength walk hand in hand which can be seen in the entity of it. It is the king of animals: strong, conscious and fearless but without weakness, it would not be courageous, resourceful, social, loving and protective. Look at a lion: it rests when it rests, and when it senses danger, it is tense and completely ready to attack or to escape, depending on its inner message. It is senseless to attack if you are facing superior power; it is more sensible to escape and make a surprise attack from the side. Then escaping is showing strength and defending. By escaping, it gives itself a chance to win and give a stunning strike to the superior power, for if you cannot escape when facing a superior power, you will not win but perish.

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