
What is the meaning of everything on our planet?

- The meaning of your planet is growth and interaction, and it is apparent in everything and everywhere around you. If you look at the reality of your planet, you know what your meaning is and it serves you. It also tells that an individual builds his life with his choices every moment. The individual is responsible for the life he himself has built but if he realizes that it is not what he wants, he has a possibility to change it. Merely by changing one's own thoughts, the attitudes change and the whole is different.

Love in itself is the core of everything and it enables free will for the individual which, for its part, enables change for him. It is a state where I can look for a change, peace, certainty and happiness from around me, but I do not have a permission to it by moving according to the needs of others. Then I move away from myself and my own road, and I cannot fulfill my life, for what I am looking for is then drawing away all the time. Likewise, free will is that when I realize that my state is not what I want, I can start changing it. Then I get all the help for it, and nobody can impede that change from outside of me. Only I can do it myself and when I do it, it will be realized. Man himself creates his life every moment for man is the image of his Creator. That in itself tells that he has a possibility to create, only the scale is different.

When I create my life every moment, I can be satisfied with it; then my life can be meaningful, happy and fulfilled with love, no matter what the circumstances are like around me. In this way I can also serve, for every individual influences with his energy field on a very large scale, incomprehensible to human mind. When you realize this, you do not desert your life but you take it for yourself. Love for oneself, taking care of oneself, and listening to one's own needs are the first steps in that progress. 
When I create my life and take my life to myself, I realize that life carries and meets me. In this way I change with that energy everything through my own life on a very large scale, for what I create in my life, I also create around me. I influence everything on a very large scale, and if man could realize his own influence, it would be very cruel to realize. Realize the value of your own lives and take your lives to yourselves step by step and moment by moment! Take your lives to yourselves and countless doors will then open, and everything will simply meet you. You can notice how consistently and distinctly life carried, and how consistently and distinctly you yourselves moved into that direction. That which you were striving for, was realized.

Many people lack a distinct inner aspiration, so be aware of your own state, for love alone in itself is an aspiration. Live in the moment, for truth lives in the moment, and only there you can build your lives. When you are aware of the moment, you are aware of your inner choices and you know the direction of your lives. In your world, people create their lives very much unconsciously and in this way they create in their lives other people's wishes; it does not result in well-being, for they are always in contradiction with that which is their own aspiration and meaning in their own life. When you create your own lives, doors open and there are no limits, for limits are only inside man himself and nowhere else. Create the life that you want, for love moves with you then, and everything simply comes and happens in its own time.

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