All in all, I was feeling better when I was leaving for my second sitting with Uranus which was to be held at Sofia's home again. I wasn't much nervous anymore; instead, I was really looking forward to the sitting.
The sitting started the same way as before: Anja fell into trance in ten minutes and Sofia started recording after coughing.
- With love I greet you, with love and truth, and the truth I want to set between us, a familiar greeting was heard. - Please, the word is yours. You can adduce your wishes and needs the way you want.
Sofia signaled to me that I could start now and I said:
- Hey, Uranus! I have been listening to the recording of our previous sitting and I have been doing the exercise you gave me. It has expanded my understanding of life and I think I've become more loving to some extent. But why is it so hard for man to love his neighbor? Aren't the continuous commotions and wars the proof of that?
As usual, Uranus remained silent for a moment and continued:
- I ask you to take a pencil and paper in front of you on the table.
I hadn't prepared for something like that, so Sofia handed me a pencil and paper. What's coming up now? I was wondering.
- Now I'm asking you to write first the sentence "love in me", said Uranus. - Look at these words very intensely. If your thoughts start wandering, return them back to observing these words.
I was looking at the words as intensively as I could. Now and then my thoughts tried to start wandering but I was able to return them back to the words.
- When you are ready, write underneath those words whatever your mind is producing without thinking about what your pencil is writing in any way, said Uranus.
I had never done anything like this at all, so I got a little worried whether I would be able to get anything on the paper. But, to my astonishment, things that I love started streaming on the paper: my love for animals, nature and children, love for my parents, friends, my home, my past and even love for myself. I even felt love for helping, serving and giving joy.
In the end, my love was encompassing the entire life and especially this moment with Uranus. Gratitude, joy, grace and downright sanctity were filling me.
- When you are ready, write a new title "love to me", Uranus continued.
I wrote the new title on the paper and Uranus said:
- Again, concentrate intensively on looking at this title, keeping your mind in watching these words. When you are ready, write down what is streaming in your mind.
This time more confident, I began to look at the words and when I was ready, I only wrote that "love to me" means joy and gratitude for everything I've received from other people.
- Now, write a new title "love from me", said Uranus.
I wrote the title again, and Uranus repeated the same instructions:
- Once again, look at the words intensely and write down whatever is streaming in your mind without thinking about it in any way.
This time the exercise felt easy to do, and I found out that I was writing that "love from me" means gratitude as well as wanting to pass on all the good I've received - joy, happiness, blessing and strength.
- Now I am asking you to do this same exercise again thinking that this was just one layer and now you are going one layer deeper. Do those three titles just like before and let me know when you are ready, Uranus suggested.
I sighed inside since the exercise had already been quite arduous. But I did like Uranus asked and already the first title "love in me" made me flabbergasted; I experienced some sort of an exploding ecstasy which encompassed everything: my entire life, existence, creation and the universe.
Then I wrote "love to me" and it astonished me even more. Under it I only wrote that it is not necessary to receive love.
The last title "love from me" produced only one word: unrestricted.
I told Uranus that I was ready and he continued:
- Read in your mind the first three exercises and summarize them. Do the same with the following three exercises.
I read the first three exercises I had written and noticed that they were much more detailed and analytical than the second exercises. The second exercise was much more all-inclusive without distinctive features.
- Next I want you to read your summary in your mind and form yourself of it an opinion, image or whatever it is going to be. When you are ready, I would like to hear your experience, Uranus said.
I read my summary which was one word only: unrestricted.
- What an astonishing exercise! I splurged. - It started out with concrete and self-evident things for which I feel love: parents, home, friends etc. Gradually it expanded to encompass service and the entire life, finally culminating through gratitude and grace to a climax of embracing the universe. The importance of other people astonished me a lot, especially under the title "love to me". I really felt genuine joy and gratitude for what I've received from them. A natural continuation to it was that "love from me" meant passing on all that joy, strength and blessing. But the most amazing thing was that after that ecstatic experience, I didn't feel the need to receive love! And how, as a human being, one finds it utterly important to be loved by someone! But no, that experience was all I needed - it had everything!
If one only could remain in a state like that, there would be no alcoholism, over-eating, drug abuse, sex- or gambling addiction, quarrels, violence, wars... And the most beautiful exercise was, of course, the last which showed that the love streaming from me is infinite. So, I can love everything and everyone without limits and limitations! Uranus, I can assure you I've never ever regarded myself as a philanthropist! It is amazing how many qualities there are hidden in us human beings and how well you can dig them out!
Uranus listened quietly and I can almost swear that I saw a little smile on Anja's (Uranus'?) lips.
- I am very happy for your honesty, for it is love in itself that you have granted yourself in this moment, he started. - In you, love has awakened very strongly, and it makes me very happy. You have given from yourself to yourself and thus given love for others as well, love that has lived in you in this moment. Love in itself is streaming around you joining love and in this way multiplying and serving in everything and everywhere, being in use in everything and everywhere. You can only know what love is in you, to you, from you. You can never know what love is in someone else, to someone else, from someone else. You can only find it out by listening to him and learning to know him. Man can only be aware of what love is in me, to me, from me, and in this way learn to find this form of energy with himself. With it, one can find honesty for oneself and acceptance of reality as well as balance and harmony in relation to oneself. And that, for its part, is reflecting everywhere in everything because what is in you, is reflected in the environment.
If you want, you can, even on a daily basis, keep serving yourself through and with the help of this exercise. Do this exercise by writing "love in me", "love to me", and "love from me". Do exactly the same as you did today: write the title, look at it intensely and write down what your mind will produce. Finally, read what you have written and summarize it. Every time, if you do like this, you will go deeper layer by layer. In this way each time will inspire you and activate your mind and it will always generate and create something new on the level of mind and attitude. Then you will go deeper all the time, at the same time expanding on the level of mind, attitudes and thoughts. Do you find it possible?
- Yes, I do, I replied, enthusiastic about how deep this exercise would eventually lead me.