
- What is love? Love is an energy that is sustaining your world, universe and eternity and it is recreating itself constantly, Uranus began. - In this energy form we call it love, life, anything, lives all wisdom, all information, all truth, all power, and you are a part of this energy. It is the true existence of you all and the core of everything.

If we imagine a massive mountain range and take a tiniest morsel of it, then if we examine the composition of the morsel, we will notice that the tiny morsel has not changed - its composition is exactly same as the composition of the mountain range. If you think about this metaphor, you can understand yourself and what you really are. You are just like this tiny morsel which is taken from this energy, or love, which is sustaining everything. You know that in you, there is, just like this tiny morsel, all life, all information and all power; you are this itself.

Like it reads in your holy book: "God created man in his own image". If you go in front of a mirror, you see yourself just like you are at the moment: your own body, your own thoughts, your own feelings, the entity. The mirror-image is always like the subject, and if you think about what your holy book tells about this, it gives you all enormous responsibility of your lives. Man itself is responsible, for he creates his own life like God creates Himself and is renewing every moment, thus sustaining life in everything and everywhere. You are all creating at every moment in your lives, whether you are aware of it or not. The only difference is that when you realize this, you can create your lives every moment exactly like you want. Then you take responsibility of your lives and are well, happy and fulfilling yourselves. Then you influence through your own existence at every moment, everywhere you are. It is very happy to be near a happy person who creates happiness everywhere. Through his own existence, he makes life easier and helps others, for energy communicates with energy all the time. How are you influencing? Is it the way you want?

- Well, sometimes better, sometimes not so good... there are bad days as well, I stammered.

Uranus didn't pay attention to my replay but continued:

- People talk a lot about war because they are afraid of it and do not want war but peace. They blame decision-makers and do not realize that they are just as responsible for every war with their own thoughts, for every individual influences very extensively. If you could see how you are influencing and how your thoughts are influencing, you would be startled and you would see your own value. On the other hand, every loving and positive thought which promotes well-being, goes out from you and finds corresponding thoughts. These masses of thought move serving, helping, consoling and building peace; you are very powerful influencers each and everyone.

The fundamental thing is how an individual experiences himself and what kind of a relationship he has with himself. Do I accept and love myself? To be able to love myself and accept myself, I have to understand myself because only this way love and acceptance can be born. When I understand myself, therein lives also forgiveness. Then I realize that everything has its reasons, and I can see how an issue or a situation has evolved. In this way I can understand and forgive, for understanding always contains forgiveness. My relationship with myself will only manifest outside of me and will affect all my relationships outwards. Am I using understandable language?

- Yes, but how does one get to that state? Mere forgiving is difficult, I agonized.

- The more people in your world decide to be happy, the more meaningful man's life will become. He is creating his life constantly, thus fulfilling himself and making his life happy. He is feeling better and better and is happier and happier. In this way he is a healing energy in himself wherever he is. He is influencing and healing merely by his existence.

In your world there is a lot of talk about how Christ healed by his own existence and energy field. It is possible for man to do exactly the same, for when he chooses happiness in his life, he is happy, satisfied and fulfilling himself. Then his energy field in itself is very healing; in this state people are in their existence as healing as Christ. In this state the value of people's lives is rising: they get excited about their lives and well-being and start gravitating towards themselves wanting to feel well. In this way your globe can become paradise.

The life of every individual can generate life and love around itself, thus serving with man's energy field and existence alone. Then the whole is multiplying, and the well-being of your planet is increasing. When a person respects himself, he respects his environment. In this way well-being is multiplying, and man himself is feeling better and better. Every individual who turns to start moving towards himself and building meaningfulness and happiness in his life, is building peace on your planet at the same time. This, for its part, enables the increasing of well-being and light in everything and everywhere, when it is only multiplying. Every individual is unique and every individual is in a key position because every individual affects the well-being of your whole planet and mankind.

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